tHe naTurE Tuesday, February 08, 2011
Long time since i last blogged...
and like, every other promise i make, i deliver them ^^

okay, a brief outline of my holiday here in Malaysia.

First, my family came back to Malaysia on Jan 25th, and on the 27th, we went to Bali, Indonesia.
Its a pretty cool place. arrived at the airport and a teenage girl comes up to us and gives us a string of flowers to put around our neck. just like Hawaii. the flowers smelled pretty good too.

Bali has a Volcano, a beach, a mountain and rice terraces all combined all in one island. so the place's really cooling, fresh and yeah, you know, the nature feeling.
toured the hindu temples in Bali, played table tennis with my brother, Jet Ski on the beach etc.

The temples in Bali look identical. no surprise i guess, because they're all in one place after all. the architecture's unique, the roof's made of palm tree leaves.
Dont want to stress too much on the tourist attractions..

skip to Jet Ski..
Totally Love it.
but i gotta admit, i was a bit scared at first because when the guide skied all the way into the middle of the ocean. the scooter was going up and down the sea, and it was crazy. it felt as if the scooter would topple over. he let me try it out, and yeah, after a while, i got the hang of it, and the rest of the jet ski was terrific.
another must dos in life: Get a Jet Ski license.

the rest of the trip, was great. i love the dinners especially, but it'd be better if you were dining with your love or someone special because the dinners were romantic.

first dinner: Candle light dinner on the beach. literally on the beach, facing the beach.and country music bands.

Second Dinner: Candle light dinner on the mountain facing the cliff and a beach.

Third wasnt a dinner but a lunch: lunch on top of a mountain facing rice terraces.
we had to take a 2 hour drive to drive up the mountain to have lunch there.

Overall, i think its a great trip. but my parents dont really like it :P

oh! my grandparents house has a dog named Bobo.
it appeared to be a very fierce dog because it kept barking like crazy when i entered the house. i wanted to play with it but i only watched him from a distance. and him watching me back. like that, we both watched it other for 10 mins. eye to eye stare. :D
then i asked my aunt whether it would bite, because really, the way it was barking at me was.. :/
but wow, the dog dosent bite! it only barks! :DD
so spent most of the time playing with it. we're good friends now (:

and in my god sister's house, she has a dog too!! Also another one that keeps barking like crazy but dosent bite. (: its a white poodle :D me ride for long.. so it was mostly him riding and me sitting at the back. but its fun though! Then we saw a policeman, and he quickly cycled the other way. curious, so i asked him why. turns out that he didnt have a licence. -.-

And then, another day, i went to a farm! played with chickens and a farm dog! also, i picked up this rock and my goodness. i discovered an ant hole and a centipede. the centipede was disgusting, but it was cool to watch it savor up some of the ants. P:

oh, and one day, i Gambled! first gambling session was in the afternoon. gambled with my cousin's counsins. so i didnt really know them well. but nevertheless, we still had a great time. but after 2 hours, i only earned 2RM? but whatever, it was still fun to play (:
night session, i decided to be the house. its usually like this: Either the house EARNS ALOT OF MONEY, OR HE LOSES ALOT OF MONEY. i lost 50RM and i let my mom become the house. :D but i didnt earn much after that anyway, about 10?

went with my cousins and my cousin's cousins. but we're friends now anyway, after some awkward contact and conversations. yes, it was really awkward in one occasion. For this water slide thing, we needed to pair up. so everyone paired up with someone else of similar age. so the only person besides me who is 17, is a girl. who is my cousin's cousin. and we didnt talk much. so waterslide.. she and i brought the whole float. she sat in the front and i sat at the back. we have good space, with none of us interfering in each other's space. but the guy operating the slide insisted that i need to put my leg forward and she had to grab both my feet under her arms. awkward.. P: But then we later formally introduced ourselves and learnt her name, Jia Yi.
then we played the Pirate's Ship. all of us were up there, my sister too. it was crazy!! the pirate ship swing and swing and swing until it went 180 degrees up and my head was facing the ground from above. embarrassing thing is, i probably screamed the loudest among everybody. :P
Another one was better, it went 360 degrees, one whole rotation! but i didnt scream for that one (:

and i did something bad this holiday. i made one of my cousins, Brandon cry.
hes an 11 years old boy. so i played Dota with him. maybe i played a little too good, and he lost really really badly.. and maybe i laughed a bit while i was playing??
so when he lost... he cried. and i got scolded for making him cry ): i bought him drinks after that.

AND KTV!!! KTV with my other cousins! sang lots and lots of chinese songs.
ah~ i find me singing chinese songs are way better than singing english songs (:
i didnt drink beer there though. but i have no idea who many glass of tea i drank. :P

and today, met up with old friends. went to their house and played with their dog Bella! :D she sooo cute!!! (:
we can make her sit, spin, jump etc. ^^ really loved that dog. Jay's a bit quiet now, so i found myself talking more with Kaylene. shes funnier and cuter now :D
Dinner with them, and now im home! RELIVING ALL THE RECENT MEMORIES. (:

Im pretty sure i left out some really good experiences, but im gonna stop now. :)

Word count: 1332. :D

------------------------------- ------------------------------- tHe naTurE Monday, January 24, 2011
Havent been messing here for a while.
So, basically,
came back and brought my grandmother out daily in the mornings and bought her breakfast! caught up on each other's lives. :)
and then, i had to prepare for the SATs. i was up pretty late, but since my grandmother insists i sleep, i slept. next day, more preparation for the SAT. and i fell asleep while practicing.
Next day, SAT day. my uncle and grandmother went with me into the test center.
i was really nervous. i literally gasped for air. this was the first time i felt so nervous.. and the whole crowd of people there amplified the whole atmosphere. but anyways, i still completed the test over a period of 4 hours.
played basketball with my cousin's friends..
and then played with another group of people whom my cousin dont know. i played with other people cause these guys were larger and looked like they played better. and yeah, they do play better but it wasnt fun. all they do is grab the ball and start shooting the ball. they dont have any sense of teamwork. ._.
played soccer with a bunch of malays then.
my cousin and his friends didnt want to join because of racial sensitivity. jesus, what era are you from? we're supposed to be united under one country. for christ sake! -.- the malays were pretty fun to play with. yeah, but they werent very social active.
and then, next day, went to a shopping mall to meet one of my ex-classmates whom i've never seen in 6 years, Abby. so, we met at Bread Talk, said hi and stuff, and walked around the mall. she said she was bringing her friends along, but she told me they couldnt come.. she seemed a little shy and cautious, so i didnt feel really comfortable.. in reality, i was wishing time would pass faster P: and then, at the end, when she was leaving, she brought me over to meet her mom. that was a really, really awkward moment. i went up and said hi to her mom and shook her mom's hand. her mom looked at me in a very weird way. creepy :S
dont wanna experience this again.. :?

today, another uncle brought me to university of Malaya to show me the library around. so i basically spent most of the afternoon reading on economic books and economic theories that i dont understand. the equations and formulae those books contain are freaky. weird scribbles everywhere :/

now im catching up on my friends (:

------------------------------- ------------------------------- tHe naTurE Thursday, January 20, 2011
Alright, so this is the last blog post im gonna post before i fly back to Malaysia.

The past few days has been really great.
life was just perfect!
scored 90% for my chinese, which guarantees a 7 for this term.
scored another 90% for my biology, which also guarantees another 7 for this term
and scored 80% for my Econs, bringing my overall score of 5 up to 6! (:

i just did my Chem test today, and i think i did pretty good.
There werent any questions i wasnt sure about, ^^
Thanks to my brother, he helped me revised my chemistry yesterday by going through the topic with me! :) you gotta love that dude xD

sigh, today's also the last day im gonna see Jess.
Shes leaving to who knows where :/
ah well, im sure we're probably gonna meet up somewhere..

played in the snow today,
ke you, roy and i started snow ball fights with primary kids :D
for that little girl i threw a snowball and made her cry..
i'm sorry! ):
smashing up the other boys were fun though! :D

then i played basketball, and sprained my ankle,
because my shoes were wet and i slipped.
meh, but its alright now :D

im gonna take the SAT this saturday.. and im freaking out..
but on sunday, im gonna meet a really old friend! Abby! :D
I'm kinda nervous because i havent seen her for 6 years, and if i recall correctly, i dont remember having a conversation with her at all. P: we'll see how it goes.Shes bringing a few of her friends as well, so yeah..
needa step out of my comfort zone for a while and break the ice! ^^

oh, and i cant wait to meet my grandmother!
my grandmother's the only person whom i can really talk out everything. and shes an amazing listener! really, i feel good everytime i talk to her! really looking forward in meeting her! and
grr.. my aunt.. i'm gonna give her hell! P:

anyways, hmm.. Theres a million things i wanna talk about,
but meh,
some stuff are better left unsaid, undiscussed and unknown.

------------------------------- ------------------------------- tHe naTurE Saturday, January 15, 2011
Sorry for not posting about my life in the past few days.
(im pretty sure my life isnt significant to you reader anyway P:)

anyways, past few days have been pretty tiring.
SAT practices, got our tests back etc.

Math test.
DAMN. i just passed! borderline!
but most of my mistakes are careless.
i interpreted the question wrongly, i saw the equation wrongly and i made expansion mistakes ):

anyways, yeah, i dont wanna explain further.


tied with Jasmine and Sung Jun for 37/40.
Jaemin was the highest with 38.
and again, i made a mistake because i interpreted one question wrongly.
*i feel kinda stupid saying all this.



first two games, i didnt perform as ideal as i thought.
specifically, i was more or less dragging the team behind P:

third game, the FINAL game.
before we played the third game, mr tan came over to me and asked me to fight for this game.
fight hard.
and that really put me into an all out 100% focus mode!
and i fought! :D
and i really contributed to the team (:
i even have battle scars! :D

oh btw, the last 8 minutes of the final quarter..
it was the longest 8 minutes of my life.
SMIC defeated the Germans by quite a strong number of points..
and the funny thing is, the team from SMIC are just like us!
we have the shortest people! :P
but one guy's really a bastard.
dont really want to talk about him, but he dosent deserve to be the team's leader.

i've got alot to say about the match actually, but meh, im lazy :P

------------------------------- ------------------------------- tHe naTurE Monday, January 10, 2011
Monday, its the second week so far this year.
and its a great day! :D

first, Econs test.
before the test i somewhat had a rough idea that Monopolies will be tested so i've spent the extra few minutes of revision cramping for monopolies.
well, turns out i was right! Monopolies was tested!
there were two questions.
one was about allocative and productive efficiency.
uh-oh, didnt study for efficiencies. :O
next, discuss how firms become monopolies :)
yay! :D
so i wasnt exactly screwed. ^^

next, biology class.
we finished another topic.
Bio's really fun and slackky.
it aint rocket science. it's one of those subjects where you can slack and still score reasonably high :)

Lunch, Basketball practice for the game later against Rego.
mm, didnt had a good ball feeling today, kept missing most of my shots :/

shared with Hedy.
and basically finished one page with one lesson.
Mr Anderson cant get any faster can he?
so far in the book, its about two slave girls talking about marriage.


we won again!
but i didnt score any.
lemme rephrase that, i didnt attempt to score any.
just passed around and aided my team with defense.
but i've got a feeling i might be kicked out. :/
i dunno, just a feeling.

going home was FUN. :)
Ke you, Karmun, Jo han and I hitched a ride with Eric.
and yes, he drives.
he friggin drives.
and he drives a Mercedes. :D
the ride was great, awesome chats :)
we first went to mcdonald's drive thru.
bought mcdonalds and then sent karmun and ke you home at westwood.
and then picked up eric's sister Elina, in some compound near school.
Jo Han lived there so we dropped him off.
and then Eric sent me home :D
his sister Elina is pretty cool too.
learnt more about their lives etc.
mm, very insightful. ^^

okay, its 12:00 am now.
im gonna go sleep.

------------------------------- ------------------------------- tHe naTurE Sunday, January 09, 2011
woke up at 8 because i though i had math tuition at 9.
turns out she was coming around 2 30.
spent the morning talking about serious matters with my mom,
philosophy and stuff.
it was pretty cool and i was really passionate about the topics. :)

ate lunch at Auntie Carol's house. ate noodles and porridge.
the food's great! :)
and Cheryl's dogs were fun to play with, as usual. :)
and then, we started messing around with her soft toys.
Stitch especially!
combed and gelled his hair and chest hair.
he looked like Elvis Presley in the end, just missing the sparkling white tux.

and then we just messed around with facebook and all.
i had to leave around 2 : 15 because i had math tuition.
but i ended doing more chemistry instead of math because chemistry's my weaker subject :/

after that, roller bladed with my brother while he wave-boarded.
it was really cold but heck, its fun ^^.

then updated my CAS activities and revised a little economics and SAT.
an oh! Man U's winning Liverpool!! :D

------------------------------- ------------------------------- tHe naTurE Saturday, January 08, 2011

you're 11 now!!! :D
hope you like my Birthday Present! :)

So spent the day doing work while My sis and bro's frens came over.
my bros friends then went to play badminton or something.

after my SAT practices, i went to practice roller blading.
just started on tuesday, so my skills kinda suck.
so i fell down once today when i tried to jump over the bumper on the road.
fell on my ass, but it didnt hurt. only my hands did.

after that, papa john's delivery.

and then roller blade with my sister and her friend Jing Wen around the compound.
it was pretty fun learning about primary school, more about Jing Wen and her brother Jin Huang ^^
and then, they started pushing me while i was roller blading. -.-
it's dangerous!!! grr..
anyways, and then i somehow became Jing Wen' non blood-related brother. ._.
ah well~~~

next, came home and watched my brother and his friends do their IT homework.
some Podcast shizz. :D
its pretty cool :)

oh, did i mention i couldnt log on to facebook for the whole day?
it really got on my nerves..
i think im addicted to it. P:

ah well.. it works now! :)

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